
It took just one bird to get all these:
1st Overall Old Bird Category BFRC North 2014
1st Overall Battle of the Champions
2nd Overall Triple Crown Category
4th Overall Auction Category
3rd Aparri Lap
3rd Sta. Ana Lap
13th Burgos Lap
9th Sta. Ana Open Match
2nd Triple Crown Aparri Lap
4th Triple Crown Sta. Ana Lap
5th Sta. Ana Auction Category
Minor Prizes:
Patibayan Winner
Fourple Crown Winner
The only live bird in the oldbird category, 7 laps


Unknown said…
Congrats to you and to your fleet of winners. It is but inspiring to know your stories with your air athletes. The sport is unique and bestows serious dedication to get to the top. Superb anthology of events. More power!

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